An Inconvenient Truth 2 | Al Gore reageert op Trumps klimaatbesluit

June 1, 2017 by Al Gore

“Removing the United States from the Paris Agreement is a reckless and indefensible action. It undermines America’s standing in the world and threatens to damage humanity’s ability to solve the climate crisis in time. But make no mistake: if President Trump won’t lead, the American people will.

Civic leaders, mayors, governors, CEOs, investors and the majority of the business community will take up this challenge. We are in the middle of a clean energy revolution that no single person or group can stop. President Trump’s decision is profoundly in conflict with what the majority of Americans want from our president; but no matter what he does, we will ensure that our inevitable transition to a clean energy economy continues.”

Statement by AN INCONVENIENT SEQUEL: TRUTH TO POWER directors Bonni Cohen and Jon Shenk on Today’s Decision by the Trump Administration to Withdraw from the Paris Agreement

June 1, 2017 by Bonni Cohen and Jon Shenk

“We were shocked and disappointed to hear President Trump’s announcement today regarding withdrawing the U.S. from the historic international deal reached in Paris. In our new film, An Inconvenient Sequel: Truth to Power we filmed behind-the-scenes in Paris to show the hard work, finesse, and passion that went into making the agreement happen. We hope that the hard work of those who made the deal happen will not be in vain. The good news is that there is a great deal to be hopeful about. The technology exists to create enough clean energy for the world economy and to avoid total climate catastrophe. Now that President Trump is pledging to do less to keep America’s commitment to the world, we must all step up to do more to ensure the health of our planet.”

Het klimaat verandert, de waarheid niet.

Tien jaar nadat AN INCONVENIENT TRUTH klimaatverandering onder de aandacht bracht, verschijnt het boeiende vervolg dat ons laat zien hoe dicht we bij een ware energierevolutie zijn. Voormalig Vice-President Al Gore gaat onvermoeibaar door met zijn strijd terwijl hij de wereld rondreist om talloze klimaatdeskundigen te trainen en zijn invloed uit te oefenen op het internationale klimaatbeleid. Camera’s volgen hem achter de schermen tijdens zowel persoonlijke, grappige als ontroerende momenten. Hij blijft het inspirerende idee uitdragen dat de gevaren van klimaatverandering overwonnen kunnen worden door innovatie en inspiratie.

Regie van Jon Shenk & Bonni Cohen.

AN INCONVENIENT TRUTH 2 draait dit najaar in de bioscoop.
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